Andrew Garfield and Marc Webb confirmed to return for The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Andrew Garfield and Marc Webb

When I heard that Andrew Garfield and Marc Webb were both coming back for a sequel to this summer’s THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, the only thing I could think was “so, what about Emma Stone?”  I’m not sure that’s what the star and director of a summer superhero tent pole want to hear, but that’s a testament to how loved Emma Stone is these days.  Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer to my own question and all we know right now is that Andrew Garfield will definitely be playing Spidey again and Marc Webb will definitely be directing again.

Although there was drama around whether or not Marc Webb would return, it’s not surprising he and Sony were able to work everything out.  As for Andrew Garfield, I don’t even think he had a choice.  After the will he or won’t he dance Sony did with Tobey Maguire, I’m sure they had Andrew Garfield locked into the sequels a long time ago.  That, and Sony announced the sequel had a script even before THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN hit theaters.  I would assume Emma Stone will eventually come back, which means all we need now is a villain. (THR)


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