Hungry Hungry Hippos, Monopoly and Action Man definitely coming to the big screen

Hungry Hungry Hippos

It’s a sad day in Hollywood as it’s been announced that Emmett/Furla films has just signed a three-picture deal and will be bringing the Hasbro board games HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS, MONOPOLY and ACTION MAN to the big screen. This is actually shocking news since the other recent board game adaptation BATTLESHIP sank at the box office (no pun intended). According to Emmett Furla, the films will have budgets under $100 million (which is still too much) and Randell Emmett said, “Everything is about how you approach it in price. We’re excited to make these movies in budget ranges where we are comfortable.”

It looks like the first board game to hit theaters will be MONOPOLY as production is set to start sometime next year. There were rumors that Ridley Scott would be directing, but he has stepped aside and will just be one of the producers now. There’s no details on the story at this time, though rumors were that the plot would follow a character that finds himself in Monopoly City and has to maneuver his way around. Doesn’t that sound crazy? We’ll post more news when it’s available. (LA Times)


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