Sony Pictures is moving on making a biopic about Steve Jobs

Posted by: Zack Bruce

Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs just passed away last week and Sony Pictures is already jumping on the chance to make a biopic on him. Seems a little quick to me.

The studio is acquiring the rights to former CNN chairman and Time Magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson’s authorized biography, “Steve Jobs”. The book have yet to be released but the date of the release was moved up to October 24th. Within the biography there are 40 interviews with family, friends, colleagues, and competitors chronicling the start of the Apple empire along with the effect that the products have had on several different industries.

What I don’t understand is why they can’t wait awhile to do something like this. If you want to know about Jobs watch THE PIRATES OF SILICON VALLEY or pick-up the book when it comes out. While Jobs did leave a huge mark on the world, we still need to trail into the future to see how Apple will continue to develop.

Steve Jobs

Source: Deadline


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