The world can rest easy; Robert Downey Jr. has signed on for The Avengers 2 and 3

Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man 3

After all the controversy and the will-he-or-won’t-he, Robert Downey Jr. and Disney predictably came to an agreement on future Avengers movies.  Robert Downey Jr. will be reprising his role as Tony Stark in THE AVENGERS 2 as well as THE AVENGERS 3.  This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise given the fact that director Joss Whedon said he wasn’t going to do the sequels without RDJ, but it’s good news for fans excited to see all of their favorite stars reunite for the massive Avengers movies.

But lost in the announcement from Marvel is the fact that there was no mention of IRON MAN 4 or future Iron Man movies at all.  Robert Downey Jr. had said during press for IRON MAN 3 that he was looking to hang up the Iron Man suit for standalone movies, but since IRON MAN 3 is the first billion dollar movie of the year and one of the most popular franchises in history, I’d be surprised if Marvel wasn’t able to convince him to do a few more Iron Man movies.  I could actually see Robert Downey Jr. using the Iron Man franchise like Bruce Willis uses the Die Hard franchise in that he’d agree to do more movies if Disney agrees to finance some of his pet projects.  Either way, we’ll see Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark for the next four years at least.


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