Tom Hanks in a new photo from Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

Posted by: Kristy Sturdivant

One of the upcoming films to watch for this Academy Award season is EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE from director Stephen Daldry which stars: Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, John Goodman, Viola Davis, Jeffrey Wright, James Gandolfini and Max Von Sydow.  The film follows a nine-year-old boy who has many interests, but is on a search through New York to find a lock that matches a key left by his father when he was killed in the September 11th attacks. EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE is set to hit theaters on December 25, 2011.

This sounds like a really great film that’s going to make us all cry buckets of tears. That’s not normally something I would want to do on Christmas Day, but Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock are good enough to pull me into theaters.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Source: Warner Bros.


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