Warren Beatty is doing a sequel to Dick Tracy

Posted by: Zack Bruce

Warren Beatty has been talking about doing a sequel to 1990s DICK TRACY since forever. Thursday night, the film opened the LA Times Hero Complex Film Festival with Beatty in tow to do a Q&A as actor/director. He’s been telling fans over and over that he intends on making a second installment, then the years continue to go by.

The night of the festival Beatty said it again, “I’m gonna make another one.” Then quickly followed with this, “I think it’s dumb to talk about movie before you make them. I just don’t do it. It gives you a perfect excuse to avoid making them. The more you talk about it, the longer it’s hidden.” That doesn’t sound ethusiastic.

Someone in the audience then asked if the process has even been started, to which Beatty answered, “You’d have to define ‘start.’ I take so long to get around to making a movie that I don’t know when it starts. And I’m a very strong believer in the fact that when you’re really doing good work is when you don’t know you’re working and something just occurs to you. And you say ‘Oh, of course.’ My problem is I don’t know when I finish because I want to get it to what I think is right.”

When asked if he would add any effects or keep it simple, he quickly replied, “I’m not going to tell you.” Then he lets this slip, “That’s a conversation I have with [my production team] and the conversation goes on and on and on and on. I can tell you that the matte paintings [done for the original film]…they move me.”

Dick Tracy

Source: /Film, Hero Complex


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